My boyfriend bought me a mortar and pestle at an estate sale last week. I had a mortar and pestle that my sister bought me in college, but I lost it in a house fire, after the fire department told me that it was contaminated by the chemicals in the smoke from the fire. I still wonder if that was a lie (it's granite, for heaven's sake!) but I now have a solid marble mortar and pestle, thanks to my beloved. I ground the garlic clove to a paste. It took a lot of work. The garlic will look chunky for a while, but keep at it! It will break down with about a minute of grinding.

I then worked in two avocados. I was careful to squeeze the juice of half a lemon over the avocados in the pestle:

I then added 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin, and 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper. Because I have a small pestle, I worked it in batches until all four halves of the avocado were mashed:

I then added 1/4 cup diced red onion and another spritz of lemon juice to taste. If you need to add more salt, do it! Guacamole is all about your personal taste.

You can do what you want with this guacamole! I spread it on toasted 12-grain bread and added smoked turkey and sliced tomato and celery salt and served it with a salad. It was delicious!
mmmm good. I bet it was delicious.